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Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis
CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future

Contingency (Partial) Opening of Schools Jan 2021 (COVID-19)

Thursday 31st December, 2020


Partial School Closure


Dear Parents and Carers,


As I am sure you are aware, yesterday the government announced that primary schools on their Contingency Framework List would not be fully reopening in January, 2021.  Regrettably, Brent is named on this list and therefore SASF will not be reopening on Tuesday 5th January, 2021 to the vast majority of our pupils.


That said, the school will be opened (9:00-3:30pm) for critical workers’ children, those deemed vulnerable and/or have an EHCP.  If you believe your child/ren fall into one of these categories, it is vitally important that you inform the school as soon as possible (via the attached forms document), so we can prepare staff numbers and the kitchen.


As before, your child’s education will continue through our online learning platform Purple Mash and Microsoft 365. SASF staff will be working tirelessly to ensure there is as little disruption as possible to children’s learning journey, providing high quality work, feedback and weekly telephone contact. The government has stated that children are required to complete 3 hours learning every day and we will be sending out more information, later this week, about how you can support your child to complete this and the school’s expectations for remote learning.  In addition to this, we will also be providing information on our Free School Meal (FSM) vouchers scheme for those eligible (those on benefits-based FSM) and how we can support families that do not have the digital technology required to complete online learning.


As yet, we do not know how long the school will be partially closed for, although it will certainly be until at least the 18th January. The government has stated it will review these closures on 13th January and therefore we hope to have more information for you then.


SASF staff are all very disappointed not to be seeing the children at the start of term and have asked that I send out their New Year’s best wishes to you all and pray that you are all keeping safe and well.


Yours sincerely,


Mr. Sharpe


LATEST NEWS: School closes at 2pm on Friday 20th December and reopens for children on the 7th January 2025. Inset Day on the 6th January 2025 - school will be closed on this day


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

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House Points

  • Andrew 834
  • David 674
  • George 625
  • Patrick 778