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Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis
CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future

Home School Agreement

SASF Home School Agreement


As parents

I/We will endeavour to:


  • See that my child attends school regularly and on time, is in the correct school uniform and is properly equipped for that days learning.
  • Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning or behaviour.
  • Attend coffee morning, workshops and meeting to develop my understanding to best support my child at school and home.
  • Adhere to the school’s policies and guidelines which safeguards and supports the wider school community.
  • Support my child learning, this includes: home-learning, oracy, projects, daily reading, multiplication tables and additional task set by the teacher.
  • Attend parents’ meetings and informal discussions regarding my child’s progress, attainment and wellbeing.
  • Take a keen interest in my child’s school life and support the school in any way possible.
  • Keep the school updated regarding any changes to mine or my child’s circumstances this may include: change of address, telephone number, medical information etc


As a school

We will endeavour to:


  • Contact parents & carers if there is an issue with attendance, punctuality, school uniform, equipment or breach of policies.
  • Let parents & carers know about any concerns or problems that affect their child’s learning, behaviour or wellbeing.
  • Send home annual reports on progress, attainment and wellbeing.
  • Set, mark and monitor home-learning regularly.
  • Arrange parents’ meetings during which progress, attainment and wellbeing will be discussed
  • Keep parents informed about the school activities through regular communication (newsletters, twitter, website, posters etc)



SASF – Consent for Data Processing


As a school, one of our key responsibilities is working in close partnership with our families.  To successfully do so we will need to, when appropriate, share and celebrate information about your child.  Equally, we value your family’s right to privacy, therefore we will ask for your consent before doing so.


In the following section, there are four tick box questions that we need you to complete.  Failure to do so could result in your child missing out on some wider school opportunities.



Photos and videos

Sometimes we take photographs and videos of pupils to aid assessment or record significant events.  We use these for a variety of reasons, from educational purposes, to showing people what school life is like at SASF.  Their use is an invaluable assistance in helping us enrich educational journeys and communicating the message of SASF with the world.


Your consent preferences can be changed at any time by emailing, , or contacting the school office.


If you have not consented to the use of photos and videos, and we feel there is a unique opportunity where your child may miss out, we may contact you to ask for one off consent.


Medical information

Throughout the year we may need to ask for further consent regarding sharing medical information with the NHS or other medical professionals.


These may include:

  • Information on vaccinations and eye tests
  • Height and weight for public health monitoring initiative.
  • Communicating with the GP to support the needs of your child.


We or the appropriate medical body will communicate with you at the time to explain further.



At St Andrew and St Francis CE Primary, we would like to keep in contact with you, so you stay in the loop with what is happening at the school and you know about services which we believe you may be of interest to you.  We may contact you by phone, email or post.


If you do not wish to receive any of these communications please email, or contact the school office.


Privacy Notice

For more information on how we collect, hold and process Pupil and Parent information please see our ‘Data Protection Policy – Privacy Notice – Pupils and Parents’ document and our ‘Data Protection Policy – Data Retention Schedule’.  These can be found on our website under ‘Key Information’ tab and GDPR.


Similarly, if you change your mind at any time, you can let us know by emailing SASF at or applying in the school office for ‘Data subject’s access / change application form’.


If you have any other questions, please get in touch.





Home school agreement form

LATEST NEWS: School closes at 2pm on Friday 20th December and reopens for children on the 7th January 2025. Inset Day on the 6th January 2025 - school will be closed on this day


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

Contact Us

House Points

  • Andrew 834
  • David 674
  • George 625
  • Patrick 778