Appeals and waiting lists
You can appeal for a place at any school you listed as a preference on your application that you were not offered.
We can only deal with appeals made to St Andrews and St Francis CE Primary School. Appeals for a Brent community school place should be made directly to Brent Local Authority.
Appeals are heard by an independent appeal panel.
It is essential that you read and understand the appeals process before submitting a request for an appeal.
The school can assist in the appeals process in certain cases. During the process if you want to talk to anyone about your application, please contact the School Admissions Office
Appeals processes vary according to what school year your child is applying for.
Waiting lists
Your child will be automatically added to the waiting list for any Brent schools you listed as a higher preference than the school you were offered. For schools outside Brent you should contact the admissions authority for each school for details about how waiting lists are managed.
Waiting list will be managed by SASF from May, after the second round of offers. Waiting lists places are every changing based on new applications so will only be accurate on the date of admissions criterion consideration.
If we are unable to offer you a place at our schools we will place your child's name on the waiting list.
You can apply for an in year school place. The will contact at regular intervals during the year to confirm that you still want to stay on our waiting list.
Please note that:
Waiting lists are not operated on a first come first served basis. They are ranked on the waiting list according to the school's admission criteria.
When a space becomes available all children on the waiting list are considered. Those who meet the school's oversubscription criteria will be offered a place. The length of time spent on the waiting list will not give priority over other applicants - it is possible for a child to go down as well as up the list. Being on a waiting list is no guarantee of a place at that school.