Admissions –Whole School and In Year Transfers
Enquiries regarding the availability of places further up the school should be made to the School Administrator. As with Reception admissions, applications for places in St. Andrews and St Francis CE Primary School must be made on the School Application form to the schools Admissions team. These forms are also available from the School Office.
A waiting list will be in operation. Parents who wish their children to join the school at a time other than the annual autumn admission, are also subject to the admission criteria; should there be more children on the waiting list than places available.
The Admissions Panel reserves the right not to consider applications, which are submitted after the specified deadline.
When a place becomes available, families will be contacted to ascertain whether the place is still required, before the applications on the waiting list are processed according to the Governors’ Criteria.
Successful applicants will be notified via a letter of confirmation.
Parent(s) must produce the following documentary evidence to support the application: