Headteacher : Miss Lisa Collins
St Andrew and St Francis C of E Primary School
Belton Road
Office Hours :
Morning - 8am to 10am
Afternoon - 2.30pm to 4.00pm
Telephone: 0208 459 1636
Fax: 0208 933 7365
School Business Leader: Ms N Kowalczyk
Administration Staff: Ms F Maclean and Mrs H Yerby
Email: admin@sasf304.ldbsact.org
Chair of Governors: Father Colin Patterson (Acting) (Please contact via school office)
Inclusion Leader / SENCo: Ms Dodd-Noble - senco@sasf304.ldbsact.org
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Ms Dodd-Noble - dsl@sasf304.ldbsact.org
GDPR Contact: gdpr@sasf304.ldbsact.org
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