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Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis
CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future

Safeguarding & Prevent

At St Andrew & St Francis CE Primary School we take the safeguarding of all of our children and community very seriously.


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Miss Lisa Collins -


Please see the links Safeguarding section on our policies page to see our LDBS Safeguarding Statement (Poster) and our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy and other supporting policies.


All Policies are produced and approved by the LDBS LAT Board and there after adopted by SASF. For further information or link policies please go to LDBS Academies Trust

Key Safeguarding Information 


NSPCC - Types of Abuse

Brent Family Front Door (BFFD) incorporates a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).


The BFFD acts as a single point of contact for professionals and members of the public where there are concerns about a child or young person and their family that requires a coordinated response.


Contact the Brent Family Front door on 020 8937 4300 (option 1) to discuss your concern. If you are calling outside normal office hours (9am - 5pm) please call our emergency duty team on: 020 8863 5250 or email  


If a child is in danger, call 999 immediately




Support for child-on-child

Children Missing in Education - CME

Children Missing Education (CME) are children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise than at a school.


Our School Attendance Service is on hand to provide schools with information they need to take immediate action and risk assess children missing education.

This also includes advice on when schools should make referrals to Brent Family Front Door or call the police. The EWS will take referrals from schools for CME on the 4th day of absence.



The school has a duty to refer any child, where they have left SASF but not joined another school setting or agreed with the LA to home school.


LATEST NEWS: Inset Day on the 2nd December 2024 - school will be closed on this day


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

Contact Us

House Points

  • Andrew 642
  • David 468
  • George 474
  • Patrick 684