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Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis
CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future


Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis Church of England Primary School


We are a Church of England school based in Willesden with two forms of entry.  Our school aims to provide a good, aspirational education based on Christian values for all of the community it serves.  


Our staff are committed to providing our children the very best opportunities . We truly embody our bible verse as we ‘Encourage one another and build each other up’ .  


As part of the London Diocese Board of Schools Academies Trust, we welcome children from all faiths or none, to provide educational 'excellence and equity in a Christian context' through our school's vision: 


Through God: We can flourish, we can learn, we can achieve.


The teaching of  our school's vision is supported by our 6 core Christian values, and our driving belief is that all children at SASF can achieve their potential through a creative, broad, fun and well planned curriculum.  We have high expectations of everyone and, as a result, children achieve in line or above the national average in their KS2 SAt results. 


Children at SASF flourish through the experiences we provide to keep learning exciting and engaging.  The school offers a friendly, nurturing and supportive learning environment with close links to St. Andrew's Church on Willesden High Road. 


We hope you enjoy looking around our website and find the information you are looking for.  Please feel free to contact the school with any queries you may have or if you wish to book a tour of the school.


Miss L Collins







LATEST NEWS: School closes at 2pm on Friday 20th December and reopens for children on the 7th January 2025. Inset Day on the 6th January 2025 - school will be closed on this day


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

Contact Us

House Points

  • Andrew 834
  • David 674
  • George 625
  • Patrick 778