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Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis
CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Intent, Implementation and Impact


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) at St Andrew & St Francis C of E Primary School is an important and necessary part of children’s education. Our PSHE provision is designed to equip children with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills to make safe and informed decisions. Our PSHE curriculum builds on the statutory elements of the National Curriculum: Sex education, drugs and alcohol, financial education and the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle. We intend for our children to be taught in a safe atmosphere where they can express their feelings and explore sensitive issues. Children will develop the skills to empathise with others and develop their own identity, values and beliefs.



Personal, Social and Health Education is taught using a mindful approach through the Jigsaw scheme of work. This embraces emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development. Children have one lesson per week through varied teaching strategies and differentiated approaches to suit all children. This is a whole school approach with all year groups working on the same theme (puzzle) at the same time.


Mindfulness Approach

The mindfulness aspect to the curriculum helps address the emotional health and behaviour issues which often can create barriers to learning. Children will become aware of their thoughts and feelings as they arise and will be able to focus their mind on what they chose to focus on. Mindful children can more readily choose their responses to situations rather than react while caught up in the thought-flows and emotions, saving behaviour issues from happening, helping concentration and lessening stress and anxiety.


The Jigsaw Framework

This is made up of six puzzle pieces which correspond to units of work.

Term 1: Being me

Term 2: Celebrating difference (anti bullying)

Term 3: Dreams and Goals

Term 4: Healthy Me

Term 5: Relationships

Term 6: Changing me (Including Sex Education)

Each Puzzle has six Pieces (lessons) which work towards an ‘end product’, for example, The School Learning Charter. The whole school works on the same Puzzle at the same time, meaning that each Puzzle can be launched with a whole school assembly and learning can be celebrated by the whole school in a meaningful way.


Statutory Sex Education

The Jigsaw Framework provides a comprehensive PSHE Programme which covers all the requirements of the government guidance and outcomes, and more. The Relationships and Healthy Me Puzzles (units) cover most of the aspects in the guidance but these are enhanced, revisited and foundations built throughout the Jigsaw Framework. Jigsaw’s philosophy starts by building positive self-image, a sense of identity and a healthy relationship with self, and from that starting point helps children grow healthy relationships with others.

Health Education in Jigsaw embraces not only physical health but has a strong focus on mental health and emotional literacy throughout and empowers children to be aware of their own thoughts and feelings and know how to manage and regulate these (e.g. using Calm Me - mindfulness techniques). Jigsaw values every child and so takes inclusively as a given, promoting acceptance of individuals for who they are and who they will become. Please see the position paper and parent leaflet on the Community Area for our approach to LGBT+ relationships.


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)

Every Piece (lesson) contributes to at least one of these aspects of children’s development. A mapping document is available from the Jigsaw Community Area showing this coverage. (See coverage maps)


Safeguarding, British Values, Prevent and Ofsted

The Jigsaw framework supports wider, external agendas and is updated regularly to support school leaders and teachers. The Relationships and Changing Me Puzzles have a strong safeguarding focus in particular. Our philosophy is to grow resilience, positive self-esteem and confidence in children, so they can recognise when they feel uncomfortable in a situation and know who to trust and how to speak up for help. They respect themselves and their bodies and know what healthy relationships feel like. At SASF, we take children’s safety and well-being very seriously, trying to empower them to speak up and get help if needed, as well as understand how to keep themselves safe.

We ask the children to write reflect on the lesson by writing on a post it note that they then give to the teacher. This post it notes can involve either a question the children still have circling in their minds, or a comment on the lesson in general. The teacher can then ascertain if any children are feeling worried or concerned about the lesson and follow this up with specific children if needed. The


Learning Environment

Jigsaw aims to meet children’s needs in this ever-changing world and does not skirt around the most sensitive issues like bereavement and family change. Therefore, establishing a safe, open and positive learning environment based on trusting relationships between all members of the class, adults and children alike, is vital. To enable this, it is important that ‘ground rules’ are agreed and owned at the beginning of the year and are reinforced in every Piece - by using The Jigsaw Charter. The first lesson plans of the Being Me in My World Puzzle enable this.



Staff will evaluate the children's contributions through AfL using the Jigsaw 'I can' statements. Children will be involved in self and peer assessments in each session. Children's achievements are celebrated in weekly assemblies.



By the time children leave SASF it is expected that they will be able to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

They will learn to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.

PSHE, RSE and Jigsaw will support the development of the skills, attitudes, values and behaviour, which enable pupils to:

Have a sense of purpose

Value self and others

Form relationships

Make and act on informed decisions

Communicate effectively






Curriculum Overview

LATEST NEWS: The school opens to children on Wednesday 4th September - we look forward to seeing you all!


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

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House Points

  • Andrew 642
  • David 468
  • George 474
  • Patrick 684