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Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis
CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future

Governors - Local Academy Committee

The key purpose of LAT Local Academy Committees (LACs) is to help LAT Schools provide the best possible education and opportunities for pupils within the ethos of ‘excellence and equity for all children in a Christian context’. They do this by making decisions collectively, and in collaboration with the LAT Board of Directors, by: 

Setting the school’s values, vision and strategic aims, which involves 

Monitoring and evaluating performance

Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs

St Andrew & St Francis CE Primary School - Governors


NameCategory of GovernorResponsibility TermBusiness Interests & any know relationship to other Governors
Rebecca WatkinsAppointed by the LDBS Academies TrustChair of Governors and Leadership & Management Governor18.1.22-17.1.26Employee - Swiftscale
Father Colin PattersonAppointed by the LDBS Academies Trust

Health & Safety

1.9.23 - 1.9.25St Andrews Church Willesden Green
Lisa CollinsHeadteacherHeadteacherEx-officioEmployee - LDBS Trust
Lindsay WrottesleyAppointed by the LDBS Academies TrustQuality of Education 19.3.24-18.3.28Employee - Abercorn School
Milly McleodAppointed by the LDBS Academies TrustQuality of Education 19.3.24-18.3.28Employee - BIM University
Oyeronke OyebanjiAppointed by the LDBS Academies TrustQuality of Education 19.3.24-18.3.28Employee - CEPI
Abdulrhman JoumahElected by ParentsQuality of Education 11.3.24-10.3.28

Employee - TIC Health 

Parent of pupil

Malti KeraiElected by ParentsPersonal Development and SEND Governor 17.1.23-16.1.27

Employee - Harris Lowe Academy Willesden

Parent of pupil

Anna DouglasAppointed by the LDBS Academies Trust

Safeguarding and Behaviour and Attitudes Governor

GDPR Data Protection 

25.1.22-24.1.26Employee - College of Policing


LAC Minutes


LAC Meeting Minutes

Please view our policy page for all Governance policies


The LDBS Academies Trust has a small board of directors which oversees 12 schools through its chief executive; each school has a local academy committee which looks after the day to day operation of their school.


Membership of the Trust and Other Information can be found here

LATEST NEWS: School closes at 2pm on Friday 20th December and reopens for children on the 7th January 2025. Inset Day on the 6th January 2025 - school will be closed on this day


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

Contact Us

House Points

  • Andrew 834
  • David 674
  • George 625
  • Patrick 778