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Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis
CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future


For more information on our curriculum, please click on the links below, or alternatively, please contact the school office and request to talk with one of our Assistant Headteachers for Teaching & Learning.

Curriculum Overview

We aim to provide a broad and balanced, knowledge-based curriculum, with rich cross-curricular links, that develops the whole child. It is designed to ensure all children are given the opportunity to flourish whilst at SASF and leave us with the skill-set to succeed in their future education and employment. We promote a life-long love of learning for our whole community. 





Our English curriculum is split into the two areas: reading and writing. These key areas are supported by additional discrete lessons in Handwriting, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPG).


Reading is taught daily using Read Write Inc (RWI) approaches in the Early Years and Key Stage 1 and through Destination Reader (DR) in Key Stage 2.  Additionally, pupils receive ample opportunity to develop their love of reading through daily Story Time sessions. 


Writing follows a 'text-based literacy' approach, wherein children's own ideas are enriched by engagement in high-quality, diverse texts. Sequenced planning allows children to  gain a deep understanding of genres through exposure to modelled texts before applying their knowledge by researching content, planning writing and redrafting.  




Throughout the school we teach mathematics with a mastery approach using Mathematics Mastery resources and planning to meet the needs of our children.  Mathematics Mastery has enabled our school to teach maths in a way that deepens children's understanding of complex concepts and is centred around children having multifaceted approaches to solving problems; the aim is for all children to become mathematicians. 


Through Maths Meetings children improve their fluency and recall of key facts and substantive knowledge, which is required for them to progress in this challenging curriculum year on year. 




As we are a Church of England school, Religious Education is a core subject and taught by a subject specialist.  We Follow the LDBS scheme, which offers a balanced curriculum that enables enquires into religion ad worldviews  through theology, philosophy and the human and social sciences. Thus allowing children to become religiously literate, critical thinker and ask deep and meaningful questions.


Whilst deeply rooted in Christianity, we also teach about some of the other major  religions. Therefore, children gain a knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and world views, so that they appreciate diversity and are given the opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs whilst developing tolerance. 



At SASF we believe that to study Science, it is important to consider what it is to be a scientist. Our definition is:

A Scientist explores the world around us, always looking for the answer to “why” things happen the way they do”.


We engage with this way of learning by ensuring that all pupils are working scientifically, by framing all of our lessons with the five types of scientific enquiry. These are Observing Over Time, Pattern Seeking, Comparative and Fair Testing, Identifying and Classifying, and Using Secondary Sources.


We sequence our lessons to have a clear learning journey that extends from the start of EYFS to the end of Year 6, and have built a specialized curriculum that is tailored to our pupils here. We did so through thorough use of the Plan Knowledge Matrices which outlines the core knowledge and concepts that we deliver in our engaging lessons.


Through all these measures, we strive every day to build enthusiasm for Science, and create curious and passionate young scientists that never settle for the simple explanation.


History & Geography

Opening Worlds is a knowledge-rich humanities programme for teaching history and geography  in Years 3 to 6. The curriculum resources together with training, support and ongoing programme-related professional development for primary school teachers. Because of its rapidly discernible effects on literacy and its highly inclusive approach, Opening Worlds quickly gained appeal and helps to tackle under-achievement in areas of considerable social disadvantage.




Our Computing curriculum is provided through the Purple Mash programme. Children have access to our full ICT suite, Ipads and Chrome Books to enhance their online and electronic learning.


E-Safety forms a fundamental part of our curriculum as children learn how to be safe when online.


Both our home learning and remote learning is delivered via our online platform Purple Mash.  This is complimented by the use of Microsoft Office 365 and Google Suite. 



We follow the world-leading music teaching and learning scheme, Charanga Music. This incorporates contemporary digital resources to ensure high quality music lessons are taught across the school and is reflective of the DfE's Model Music Curriculum (MMC). 



Physical Education is taught by a specialist coach to develop children's skills and health. There is an additional focus on the 'physical element' of the 6 dimensions of health to ensure development of the whole child. 


Sports and physical education is central to achievement and effort is encouraged through team and individual games at school. We offer a range of sports and encourage a life-long positive attitude towards healthy living and physical activity. We have a specialist PE teacher and all children have access to high quality PE lessons with this teacher every week covering a range of sports, gymnastics, dance and athletics. Years 4, 5 and 6 also participate in swimming lessons with specialized swimming teachers throughout the year at Willesden Sports Centre. There is an additional focus on the 'physical element' of the 6 dimensions of health to ensure development of the whole child.



The acronym “PSHE” stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education. Ours is an innovative planner programme of learning. Through our lessons, children will be able to acquire the knowledge and skills they need to successfully manage their lives – right now as well as in the future.


Our PSHE curriculum embodies a positive philosophy. We believe in creative teaching and fun learning activities that will nurture children’s development and help them become aware, compassionate and well-rounded human beings.



Art subjects encourage self-expression and creativity and can build confidence as well as assist initial identity. Creativity can also help with wellbeing, improving health and happiness.  


Our curriculum includes practical experiences which help children explore art materials and techniques to develop artist knowledge. The units build on pupils prior knowledge. Each year, children will be involved in a range of art and design activities including observational drawing, painting, pastel work, printing, textiles and clay modelling. 


Children will be helped to develop their knowledge of art forms from different periods and cultures and study different artists’ work to inspire and influence their own pieces of art and design. 


Design Technology 

Design enables children to use their knowledge from other areas of the curriculum to solve real problems. Skills in design and technology are developed through ‘hands on’ tasks and projects that involve food technology, textiles, mechanisms, electricity, structures and materials. Cross-curricular links are encouraged to ensure that learning is relevant and meaningful. 


MFL - French

KS2 children are taught French, following the Kapow scheme.  We had to carefully consider which language to teach, as many of our children are bilingual - if not multilingual - and so we wanted a challenge for all!


Educational Trips and Visits

We believe that educational trips and visits are an integral part of developing children's cultural capital.  Therefore, they are a powerful and positive teaching tool that compliments our rich curriculum and brings learning to life! 



At SASF we understand the significance of well-being to both our staff and students’ mental health. Learning about emotional and physical health is just as important than learning about any other subject in the curriculum and we hope to encompass wellbeing education into our daily life. 


Students’ wellbeing is crucial to their ‘readiness to learn’ and we aim for SASF to feel like a safe and happy place for our children to learn and develop into healthy, resilient adults. We aim to deliver a range of Wellness activities, information, resources, tools and techniques to our staff, children and their families. 


LATEST NEWS: The school opens to children on Wednesday 4th September - we look forward to seeing you all!


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

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House Points

  • Andrew 642
  • David 468
  • George 474
  • Patrick 684