a place of warmth and welcome serving The Lord and the people of Willesden Green.
The celebration of the Sunday Mass is at the heart of our Parish life. We seek to draw together our church members and our many visitors from all over the world in a worthy offering of prayer and praise.
At all our Masses we place emphasis on the breaking of the word as well as the breaking of bread: preaching is an important ministry among us. At the end of this Mass there is often an opportunity to celebrate special occasions with thanksgiving and prayer. There is a Young Church for children in The Parish Centre. On the first Sunday of the month there is a ministry of healing service following Mass.
09.30 Mass
The 09.30 Mass has a congregation of about 35 - 40, There is an activity area for children, and refreshments served after Mass. We sing one hymn and it generally lasts about 35 minutes.
11.00 Parish Mass
The 11.00 Mass is our main weekly act of worship and draws a larger and more varied congregation.
Monday | 09.30 Mass (Feast Days only)
Tuesday | 19.00 Mass
Wednesday | 10.00 Mass
Friday | 09.15 Mass (term time at S. Andrew & S. Francis School Belton Road)
Saturday | 10.00 Mass
Solemnities & Feast Days
e the Church website for more detailed information.
19.30 Sung Mass