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CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future

Boris Johnson - Sunday Announcement

Dear Parents,


Sunday Evening, Boris Johnson unveiled his ‘conditional plan’ to reopen society.  Although he was clear that this was not an end to lock down, he announced some significant changes that will affect us all.


Firstly, he stressed that anyone who cannot work from home, for instant those in construction or manufacturing, should be actively encouraged back to work.  That said, he also made it explicitly clear that they must still observe social distancing rules and avoid public transport where possible. Please note, the hospitality sector and most shops  will not reopen until July at the very earliest.


From Wednesday 13th May, we will be allowed to exercise outside for as long as we please.  As well as this, we will also be able to sunbathe/picnic  in parks and drive to other locations to partake in outside activities.  Again, it is imperative that whilst doing this we continue to observe social distancing rules and therefore only with members of our households.


Mr Johnson also revealed the government’s plan to reopen schools in stages after half term.  As long as there is not an increase in infection rates, following this slight ease on lock down rules, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 will be expected to be phased into a return to school from Monday 1st June.  Obviously this will be subject to strict guidance and school will not function as it did before its closure.  We are still awaiting further government guidance on this, detailing  what it might look like, but rest assure the school will do everything in its power to ensure the safety of a pupils and staff.  


Finally, it is important to stress that this is all conditional and subject to change – it will be driven by science, the data and public health. For those who were advise to shield for a 12 week period, due to underlying medical conditions, the advice has not changed.

LATEST NEWS: The school opens to children on Wednesday 4th September - we look forward to seeing you all!


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

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House Points

  • Andrew 642
  • David 468
  • George 474
  • Patrick 684