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Welcome to St Andrew and St Francis
CofE Primary School Securing Achievement for a Successful Future

Free School Meals - Change of circumstances

Dear Families,


We understand that during this difficult time, your
employment circumstances may have changed. If this is the case, your
child may now be entitled to Free School Meals (FSM).


If you think that you may now qualify, or your child was
previously Universal FSM (i.e. they were in reception – year 2 so you’ve never
applied for FSMs), please contact Ms Mclean (
and she can apply on your behalf or use our FSM checker on the school website


If your application is successful, you will receive £15 in
weekly food vouchers per eligible child, by email, to spend in your local supermarket, whilst the
school is temporarily closed.


Please do not hesitate to contact Ms Mclean 020 8459 1636 or with your:

-Parents Full Name


-National Insurance Number

-Childs Name


We are here to help



Kind regards and keep safe - stay at home,



Troy Sharpe
Head Teacher
St Andrew and St Francis CofE Primary School
Belton Road
t: 020 8459 1636
LATEST NEWS: School closes today - 23rd July 2024 @ 2pm


Class of the Week

Current Totals

  • KS1 - 96% KS2 - 95%

Overall School

  • 97%

Contact Us

House Points

  • Andrew 713
  • David 629
  • George 724
  • Patrick 555